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Physics 131 Fall 2015 Textbook Information

You will need three items for this course:
  1. The main text is University Physics Plus Modern Physics Plus MasteringPhysics -- Access Card Package, 13th Edition, by Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, and A. Lewis Ford. This includes an online homework component MasteringPhysics. This is the same text as was used last year in Phys 131. You can purchase this as a single package at the bookstore. If you do not buy the text through the bookstore, there are a variety of packagings available. See the Pearson website for various other digital and print options. If you are considering a used text, please beware that the online card by itself is rather expensive, and you may end up paying more for the combination than if you simpy purchased the standard package through the bookstore.

    You will likely find a confusing array of ISBN numbers that refer to different packagings of the text with various optional components. The only required parts are the text itself (13th edition) and the on-line homework component.

    One copy of University Physics will be on 2-hour reserve at the library. Please note that only one copy is available for all students in Physics 131 and 133. You are responsible for ensuring that you have access to the text, therefore if you plan to use the library copy you will need to plan your studying and homework well in advance

    If you are considering buying a used book or a book from another source, be aware that you still will need to buy the on-line part. You can buy that directly from MasteringPhysics.

  2. You will also need the Physics 131 Laboratory Manual, available in the bookstore.
  3. Finally, you will need a bound laboratory notebook. A suitable notebook will also be available in the bookstore, but you may wish to wait until the first week of class to purchase that. (You will work in pairs in lab. Each lab pair will be required to have a bound notebook. We will form lab pairs in the first week of class.)

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This page is maintained by Andrew Dougherty