Workbench is a web hosting platform at Lafayette College for faculty and staff who need to do web hosting in a traditional Unix setting.


Workbench can ONLY be accessed through OpenSSH Public Key Authentication. If you want a workbench account and have your SSH public key, then please contact the Help Desk to request an account.

If need to create a public SSH key and you are using Mac OS X, Linux, or other UNIX-based system, then you can use the built in ssh-keygen command. If you are using Windows then see the document Secure Linux/UNIX access with PuTTY and OpenSSH to generate your key using PuTTY. Be sure to provide your key in the appropriate format (RFC 4716) when applying for a workbench account. ssh-key-gen will produce a file called which is in the appropriate format. If you are using PuTTY then you'll need to copy and paste they key from the Key Generator as described in the documentation.


For further information, including new site requests, please contact the Help Desk at (610) 330-5501 or send an email to