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Physics 112 Spring 2021 Textbook Information

  1. You will need to purchase two items for this course: the textbook and the on-line component. The textbook is College Physics: A Strategic Approach, 4th edition by Randall D. Knight, Brian Jones, and Stuart Field. Both print and e-text versions are available. The on-line component is Modified Mastering Physics.

    At the publisher's website, you can find various bundles, depending on whether you prefer a printed copy of the text or an e-text. The bundled all-digital package is
    Modified Mastering Physics with Pearson eText -- Instant Access --
    for College Physics: A Strategic Approach
    ISBN-13: 9780134703930

    You can also purchase, activate, and access your account from our Moodle site. Click on the 'MyLab & Mastering Tools -- Mastering Physics' link to get started.

    Wherever you purchase your materials, be sure to follow the instructions for registering through our Moodle site.

    If you are considering buying a used text or a text from another source, be aware that you still will need to buy the on-line Modified Mastering part. You can start the process from our Moodle site. Click on the 'MyLab & Mastering Tools -- Mastering Physics' link. Please also be aware that the online card by itself is rather expensive and you may end up paying more for the combination than if you simply purchased the standard package through the bookstore.

    You will likely find a confusing array of ISBN numbers that refer to different packages of the text with various optional components. The only required parts are the text itself (4th edition) and the on-line Modified Mastering component. The ISBN number for the hard-copy of the text is

  2. Handwritten assignments and tests will be administered through Gradescope. You will need to establish a free account with Gradescope. Details will be provided with your first homework assignment.
  3. Labs will be handled entirely on-line. You will need to establish a free account with Pivot Interactives. Details will be provided with your first lab assignment.