Physics 335—Thermal Physics
Homework Assignment #1
Due Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 11:40 a.m.

Ch 1:

Do problems 1.12, 1.20, 1.24, 1.33, 1.36, and 1.48. (20 pts. each)

For problem 1.36, you might find it easier to do part (c) before doing part (b). Once you know the temperatures, you can compute the work easily using equations 1.32 and 1.33.

Academic Honesty

If you get bogged down with any of the problems, do not hesitate to discuss them with your instructor or with a fellow student. For this course–and indeed for most advanced courses in any discipline—I believe such collaboration to be an essential element for success. I do not require any specific or explicit group work, but my expectation is that everyone will be open to both giving and receiving aid from their peers.

The only stipulation is that if you get help from anyone (besides your instructor) you should acknowledge that collaboration. Please see the Academic Honesty policy for more information about appropriate and inappropriate collaboration.